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5 Screenplays From The Show That Changed Television Forever

The Sopranos is known for its quality writing. If screenwriting for TV is your passion, this book belongs on your shelf.

The Sopranos is known for its quality writing.  If screenwriting for TV is your passion, this book belongs on your shelf.

Dear Friend and Screenwriter,

On February 7th, 1999, the fifth episode of the Soprano’s first season, “College”, aired on HBO.

And this was the scene that changed television forever:

How did you feel when you first saw this episode?

Were you shocked? Puzzled?

The executives at HBO, weren’t too pleased with the sudden change in direction.

The main character committing cold-blooded murder on screen was a shocking turn of events—the executives thought it would ruin the momentum that was created with the previous 4 episodes. And that the audience would be repulsed and stop watching the show.

But David Chase, the shows creator, did not back down and insisted that it be filmed as written. Why? Because it was true to genre and character.

How can Tony Soprano, the boss of New Jersey, not act according to the mafia code?

The Sopranos was a ground-breaking show that ushered in the 21st century.

Audiences today are spoiled for good shows, but it really started with The Sopranos—and it still stands up!

It is one of the most awarded shows with:

  • 21 Primetime Emmy Awards in 111 nominations.
  • It was the first series on cable network to win the Primetime Emmy Award for Outsanding Drama Series
  • 5 Golden Globe Awards in 23 nominations.
  • 2 Peabody Awards in 2000, 2001

And it doesn’t stop there!

It is consistently ranked in the top 10 of television shows (currently 9th on IMDb’s “Top 250 Tv Shows” with a rating of 9.2).

It was very much a product of its time, but the writing and incredible acting transcend the era.

But you don’t need to read about how great the show is if you are an aspiring screenwriter. You already know!

So then you owe it to yourself to read quality writing and use it as a reference book, a source of inspiration.

What You Get

The “The Sopranos (SM): Selected Scripts from Three Seasons” is a collection of 5 episodes—chosen by David Chase—that best represent the series.

The book includes:

  • An Introduction by David Chase where he discusses how he came up with the story and his writing process. Very insightful and inspiring!

And the following 5 episodes:

  1. Pilot: Tony’s sessions with his shrink foucus on his life, his panic attacks, and the ducks in his swimming pool. Uncle Junior wants to use Tony’s childhood friend’s restaurant to whack a guy, so Tony “protects” his friend by blowing up the place.

  2. College: While driving his daughter around Maine for college interviews, Tony discovers and garrotes a mob informant who betrated the family.

  3. The Happy Wanderer: After a disastrous high-stakes poker game, terrified loser David Scatino gives his son’s SUV to Tony. His payments for his debt have just begun.

  4. The Knight in White Satin Armor: Tony’s Russian mistress attemps suicide; his sister shoots her fiancè, Richie, whose remains get processed in the back of Satriale’s pork store.

  5. Pine Barrens: Christopher and Pauli try to dispose of a Russian gangster Paulie choked during a bungled errand. But the Russian turns out to be very much alive…

David Chase’s Writing Process

Reading the Introduction to this book, you will learn about the unique writing process of The Sopranos. It’s a great forumula, especially for writing complex characters and interweaving plots.

David Chase explained it as the following in the introduction of this book:

Each episode usually has three stands — what we call an A, B, and C, or even D, storyline.

Each strand would have a beginning middle and end. And when arranging the script, the strands would be interwoven throughout, jumping from strand to strand.

This method kept the audience on its toes, not knowing what was going to happen next because there were several different stories happening at the same time. This is indicative of real life. And it’s why the show was never boring. Always on edge. Always entertaining.

Why Reading Scripts Matters For New Screenwriters

Is there anything more frustrating than staring at a blank page and being at a loss for words?

Do you struggle with writing complex characters? Is plotting or character development a difficult process?

If you are writing, or want to write, for television, reading scripts is the best way to learn. And what better show to learn from than the one that changed the very nature of television.

Imagine you are writing your next show and ask yourself: is it intriguing? Do the characters have depth or are they one-dimensional? The more you understand character, the better the scenes and dialogue will be.

And who knows, one day you will sell your idea to Hollywood producers because you took the time to read quality writing, to learn and develop your style to the best of your ability.

Use the paid links below to grab your copy of “The Sopranos (SM): Selected Scripts from Three Seasons” and have it delivered right to your door within a few days.

If for any reason you are unhappy with the book, simply return it within 30 days (in the original condition) and you will get your money back—no fuss, no hassle.

The Sopranos started the anti-hero trend, which is still going on today. You can see the influence the show has had on subsequent shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and Mad Men.

In the pilot episode, Tony expresses his feelings on the state of things:

But lately, I’m getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over.

The Sopranos has been over for 17 years, but it will continue to be loved and appreciated for its incredible storytelling as long as people love cinema.

Yours truly, Jay Khan Signature Jay Khan

P.S. If you prefer not to carry a large paperback around but love to read on Kindle, use these paid links to to download it and start reading right away. No delivery delays, no chance of it going missing. Plus you save $8.68 (USD)!

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