8 Databases-In-One To Help You BUILD YOUR LIST.
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If you are a Marketing Manager, an Online Business Owner, or you just have something to sell--use this template to gather all the pieces necessary to map out your sales funnel.

Why Notion?

  1. You can create unlimited pages and databases within this template without spending any money
  2. You can change the layout to your liking by adding columns, or by moving databases around
  3. You can access your data from a desktop or mobile app, making it super accessible and convenient. Work from anywhere there is Internet!
  4. You can create unlimited amount of landing pages with Notion without paying a cent! Add your own domain names if you wish.
  5. You can add relations between databases, which is great for creating complex data structures and building a robust CRM. Plus you can track progress, and even import data from a CSV.
  6. You can invite team members to collaborate on a test campaign, write copy, create graphics and other artwork.


All the pieces in one template to build your list

By makig the right appeal to the right people, you business will grow exponentially


Keyed Ads that combine all the elements below. Measure your sales results, and determine which headlines seem to be getting the most inquiries and you have a winning ad which can be repeated.


WHO are you selling to? Create a persona for your target audience, a prospect, or a lead. Clarity in knowing your ideal customer helps to build relevant offers and appeals.

Mailing Lists

Your list is your most valuable asset as a business owner. Save your niche markets, email lists, and even direct mail lists here as they being to expand.


Writing headlines is 60% of the work according to advertising legend John Caples. In emails these are known as subject lines.


Direct response copy works very well online - a direct response medium. These include sales letters, emails, stories, captions for all types of advertising.


Eye catching images make it easier to increase engagement. Short-from videos are more popular than ever. Generative AI is making it easier to promote your business.

Web Pages

Landing pages, sales pages, e-stores that make it super easy to buy or download your offer. A sign-up form to collect emails is a necessary component.


Could be an eBook, a course, a physical product, digital product. Track all your offers and use audience segmentation to only make relevant offers to your targer audience.

When to use Email Marketing

Personalization and automation make email a powerful marketing channel because:

You can build an intimate relationship with your customers

Stay top-of-mind as most people check their emails several times a day

You own your list unlike social media which can be banned arbitrarily

Generate qualified leads by exchanging valuable information for an email

Market your products and services directly and increase conversion rates

Provide additional value to your leads to convince them to keep coming back